How the goog works

Being that google has maintained it’s dominance in societies like mine (Suburban middleclass America) it seems that we, myself included often forget that it is NOT the only place for consuming information. Sure the alphabet company has done a fine job of creating a catalogue of what is presumably the largest freely accessible search engine, but there will always be something that gets over looked. I focus on this because we live in a world run by capitalism, wherever the money is that’s where the search goes seems like a fair statement to be made, don’t you think? The video explains that the search engine runs on relevance, post counts, page rank, and other factors to decide what searches make the cut in the earliest results pages. With that being said, we have lost most of our control in what information is displayed. For artists this has a lasting effect on how their content is viewed and by what amount. An artist in a low income neighborhood with only a few friends/followers on any social media site has a lower chance of coming up in a search result for the content he/she created than say someone who has gained a massive following at the result of higher income. Although Alphabet states that they “don’t accept payment to add a site to our index, update it more often, or improve it’s ranking.” That doesn’t change the fact that the search engine is based off of websites/individuals that have gotten a following. Inadvertent help is still useful to those benefiting.

My suggestion would be an entirely new platform from individuals to post their original content, based on tags, and in real time. With no influence from outside money hungries.

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